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Resumen de Presentación. Salir del barrio, volver al barrio. Autoficción y etnografía en la novela contemporánea española

María Pilar Panero García, Carmen Morán Rodríguez

  • español


      Desde los años 60 con el auge de los estudios culturales, además de atender a la excelencia artística de la obra literaria en la que el texto y la lengua tienen un papel preponderante, se tiene en cuenta la significación de la misma y el contexto sociocultural en el que se producen. Este movimiento no es un ataque al canon o las posibles obras que sean dignas de habitar en el monte Olimpo de la literatura, pues tan solo ofrece formas de lectura que no la ponen en riesgo. La necesidad de considerar la mímesis de ese yo colectivo que llamamos sociedad es intrínseca al hecho literario (Girard, 1997). Los narradores que los autores de este monográfico han elegido reflexionan sobre la idea de progreso y la alienación del individuo en un país urbanizado, aunque considerando que cualquier identidad colectiva nunca es una foto fija, pues el individuo puede con su habilidad modificar las condiciones estructurales (Ortner, 1984).

    Palabras clave: Espacio urbano, progreso, memoria, etnicidad, novela española del siglo XXI.

    Since the 1960s, with the rise of cultural studies, in addition to paying attention to the artistic excellence of the literary work, in which text and language play a preponderant role, the significance of the work and the socio-cultural context in which it is produced are also taken into account. This movement is not an attack on the canon or the possible works that are worthy of inhabiting the Mount Olympus of literature, but only offers ways of reading that do not put it at risk. The need to consider the mimesis of the collective self that we call society is intrinsic to the literary act (Girard, 1997). The narrators chosen by the authors of this monograph reflect on the idea of progress and the alienation of the individual in an urbanised country, although considering that any collective identity is never a fixed picture, as the individual can with his or her ability modify the structural conditions (Ortner, 1984).

    Key words: Urban space, progress, memory, ethnicity, Spanish novel of the 21st century.

  • italiano

    A partire dagli anni Sessanta, con l'affermarsi degli studi culturali, oltre a prestare attenzione all'eccellenza artistica dell'opera letteraria, in cui il testo e la lingua giocano un ruolo preponderante, si tiene conto del significato dell'opera e del contesto socio-culturale in cui è stata prodotta. Questo movimento non è un attacco al canone o alle possibili opere degne di abitare il monte Olimpo della letteratura, ma offre solo modi di lettura che non lo mettono a rischio. La necessità di considerare la mimesi dell'io collettivo che chiamiamo società è intrinseca all'atto letterario (Girard, 1997). I narratori scelti dagli autori di questa monografia riflettono sull'idea di progresso e sull'alienazione dell'individuo in un Paese urbanizzato, pur considerando che qualsiasi identità collettiva non è mai un quadro fisso, in quanto l'individuo può con le sue capacità modificare le condizioni strutturali (Ortner, 1984).

    Parole chiave: Spazio urbano, progresso, memoria, etnia, romanzo spagnolo del XXI secolo.

    Since the 1960s, with the rise of cultural studies, in addition to paying attention to the artistic excellence of the literary work, in which text and language play a preponderant role, the significance of the work and the socio-cultural context in which it is produced are also taken into account. This movement is not an attack on the canon or the possible works that are worthy of inhabiting the Mount Olympus of literature, but only offers ways of reading that do not put it at risk. The need to consider the mimesis of the collective self that we call society is intrinsic to the literary act (Girard, 1997). The narrators chosen by the authors of this monograph reflect on the idea of progress and the alienation of the individual in an urbanised country, although considering that any collective identity is never a fixed picture, as the individual can with his or her ability modify the structural conditions (Ortner, 1984).

    Key words: Urban space, progress, memory, ethnicity, Spanish novel of the 21st century.


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