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Resumen de Accurate study on the surface of an oblique incidence total internal reflection quarter phase retarders and how it affects their performance

N. Mahmoud

  • The performance of many optical glass elements depends on the structure of the surface. The high refractive index of flint glass is advantageous in constructing some optical elements (lenses, prisms, beam splitters, ....). Also, high achromaticity and size reduction in oblique incidence TIR (total internal reflection) phase retarders require high-index glass. The present work is interested in studying the use of ellipsometry as a precise and accurate technique to test changes in optical properties of the thin layer formed on an oblique incidence TIR quarter phase retarder at different wavelengths which affects some optical properties such as the retardance value of the rhomb retarder, to adjust and make the needed corrections.

Fundación Dialnet

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