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Resumen de Copyright protection of original online music products based on applied statistical mathematics – take music trade network as an example

Tao Jiang, Keqing Dai, Moaiad Khader

  • With globalization and the rapid evolution of internet, the channels of music communication have become diversified. Thecommunication speed of online music has become faster, and the music-related information is enriched on the internet.However, these positive effects on music communication also increase the complexity of music copyright issues. In face ofthe great challenges on music copyright issues, this paper takes the online original music works trading platform, namelymusic trading network as the research object, and uses some mathematical methods, such as statistical theory, powerfunction law and long tail theory, to discuss the copyright protection of the music trading network. Our motivation is tofind a way to protect the copyright of original music product so as to stimulate the enthusiasm of musicians, as well as tohelp find a way to create a healthy original music ecosystem

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