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Resumen de Los flebotomos (diptera: Phlebotominae) asociados a las explotaciones de rumiantes en España y su interés sanitario

J. Lucientes, R. Estrada, V. Salido Valencia, V. Oropeza, M.A. Miranda, N. Pages, R. Molina, José Marín Sánchez Murillo, S. Delacour, Ignacio Ruiz Arrondo, Rocío Pinal Prieto, Pedro María Alarcón Elbal, J. A. Castillo Hernandez

  • Insects of the Family Psychodidae and Subfamily Phlebotominar have been identified in samples collected for Entomological Surveillance Program of Bluetongue in Spain. A total of five species have been detected: Sergentomyia minuta, Phlebotomus papatasi, Phlebotomus sergenti, Phlebotomus perniciosus and Phlebotomus ariasi. Ph. perniciosus was the most abundant species with a greater distribution and with a minimum activity period between May and October. We discuss the importance of these insects as potential vectors of emerging diseases in Spain.

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