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Resumen de Zepa beltzezko hormigoi armatuz fabrikatutako habeen makurdura-esfortzuaren aurreko analisia

Amaia Santamaria, Iñaki Marcos, Jesús Maria Romera, Marcos Larrauri Gil, José Tomás San José

  • euskara

    Bizi garen mundua zaintzeko erronka dugu aurrean. Garapen jasangarrirako helburuak 2030 Agendan bildu dira, eta, 12. erronkari begira, «Kontsumo- eta ekoizpen-modalitate jasangarriak bermatzea», funtsezkoa da hondakinen kudeaketa lantzea. Altzairugintza-industria garrantzitsua da Euskal Herrian, ezinbestekoa ekonomiaren garapenerako. Horregatik, sektore horrek sortzen dituen hondakinei bizitza berri bat bilatzeko beharra dago. Hondakin nagusiak zepa beltzak dira eta eraikuntza-sektorean erabiltzen dira batik bat. Urte askotan, masa-hormigoietan agregakin bezala aztertu izan da zepa beltzaren portaera, eta oso emaitza onak lortu dira. Horregatik, lan honetan pauso bat aurrerago emango da, eta hormigoi armatuzko egiturak eraikitzeko aztertuko da zepa beltzaren erabilera. Laborategiko lan txikiak alde batera utzita, 600 l-ko bolumena egingo da, eraikuntza-prozedura arrunt batean edozein sendotasuneko zepa beltzez eginiko hormigoia nola fabrika daitekeen baieztatzeko. Lan honen erronka 4 m-ko hormigoi armatuzko habeak fabrikatzea da, makurduraren aurreko portaera aztertzeko. Erabiliko diren hormigoiak autotrinkotzaileak izango dira. Lortutako balio esperimentalak araudietan oinarritutako balio analitikoekin alderatu dira, eta emaitza onak lortu dira.

  • English

    We are facing the challenge of preserving the world where we live. The sustainable development goals have been collected in agenda 2030. Taking into account the 12 goal “Assessing the modalities of sustainable consumption and production”, waste management is a process in which is mandatory to worked out. Iron and steel industry is an important industry in the Basque Country, necessary for the development of the economy. That 's why it 's important to look for a new life for the waste produced by this sector. For many years, the behavior of electric arc furnace slag has been studied as an aggregate in mass concrete. The results were very good. Therefore, a step further in this work will be taken, and the use of the electric arc furnace slag will be considered in the construction of reinforced concrete structures. Aside from small laboratory work, 600l mass will be made. To confirm how electric arc furnace slag  concrete can be manufactured in a common construction procedure. The challenge with this work  was to get self compacting concrete. On the other hand, 4m long reinforced concrete beams will be manufactured to analyze its  bending behavior. The experimental values obtained have been compared to the analytical values, in accordance with the standards and the obtained results have been good.

Fundación Dialnet

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