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Resumen de Del buon uso delle fake news nel mestiere di storico: ancora sulle trattative di pace tra Terzo Reich e Unione Sovietica durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale

Eugenio Di Rienzo

  • Almost daily politicians, philosophers, social scientists, sycophants of the «politically correct» warn us (rightly) against the fake news that increasingly crowd the media system and the network, inviting us to throw them in the information garbage bin as we would do with any other toxic and polluting material. As a historian, I think, on the other hand, that even if the analyst of the past is naturally inclined to unmask the fake news, created spontaneously by public opinion, or deceptive news artfully made up for propaganda and counter-propaganda operations, he must concentrate with great attention also on these documents to make sure that behind that junk there are no elements of truth useful for his work. The case study to prove this theory is the fake news concerning the meeting between Molotov and Ribbentrop in the summer of 1943, to make a separate peace between Russia and Germany.

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