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Resumen de Quando l’Italia non era divisa in due: Il Medioevo, la “nascita della Nazione” e la genesi del mercato unificato. A proposito di un libro recente

Michel Balard, Michele Campopiano, Eugenio Di Rienzo, Emilio Gin, Aurelio Musi

  • The book by Bruno Figliuolo, Alle origini del mercato nazionale. Strutture economiche e spazi commerciali nell’Italia medievale, is discussed both from the point of view of content and from the more general methodological point of view. There is a novelty in some of the proposals and in the critical approach, which highlights the numerous documentary acquisitions and the most innovative proposals in relation to the more and less recent historiographical debate on the production and distribution structures and on the economic spaces connected to them existing in Italy during the centuries of the low Middle Ages.

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