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Resumen de Objetivos de selección en vacuno de carne en función de sus requerimientos energéticos y de la disponibilidad de pasto

R. Paz, José Antonio Jiménez Montero, A. Daza, Rafael Alenda Jiménez

  • In order to determinate which may be the main selection objectives in beef cattle production, it has been analyzed the influence in the energy requirements of calving season, live weight of the cows and milk production, related with the graze availability. The annual supplementation cost is significant, compared with the price of a weaned calf (550 €/calf), and it increases about 100 €/calved cow, year and 100 kg PV gained. A cow with a weight of 650 kg, the current level of milk production and calving in the unfavourable season (june-july-august), has similar supplementation cost as the value of the weaned calf.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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