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Resumen de 3D digitisation and reconstruction of a capital in northwestern Gaul: Interim results on the city of Alet

Yann Bernard, Jean Baptiste Barreau, Catherine Bizien-Jaglin, Laurent Quesnel, Loïc Langouet, Marie Yvane Daire

  • The City of Alet is an important archaeological site in Brittany because it was in the late Iron Age the capital of theCoriosolites. The remains, scattered today in a neighbourhood of Saint-Malo, are highly heterogeneous. Because of itsgreat archeological interest, it has become since 2015 the subject of experimentation in digital archeology. From 3Dscanning and Ground Penetrating Radar experimentation, we started a 3D reconstruction of city including several levelsof uncertainty and fuelling archaeological thoughts, the results of which are still in discussion.

Fundación Dialnet

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