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Resumen de 3d modelling from UAV data in Hierapolis of Phrigia (TK)

Filiberto Chiabrando, Francesco D'Andria, Giulia Sammartano, Antonia Spanò

  • In areas of archaeological excavation with architectural complexes, the generation of 3D data and their spatialinformation updating can now benefit from UAV photogrammetry. This technique shows a very rapid development inmany fields, as it provides effective results for high-resolution and detailed surfaces, adding to both quickness andsuistainable costs, quite irrespective of the form and extension. That is very important in Documentation phases ofCultural Heritage. In the field of archaeological researches, the nadir view from low altitude has always been apreferential point of view, then the generation of very large-scale models and orthophotos is of great interest today, and itseems to promise high future developments. So the paper focuses on a workflow to obtain photogrammetrical productsgeneration using eBee system, by Sensefly, of growing popularity in the scenario of survey techniques. The potential ofoutcomes is also given by the selected monumental case studies in the city of Hierapolis in Phrygian, on which theMAIER (Italian archaeological Mission of Hierapolis) operates from the 60s of the twentieth century. The variety andcomplexity of the buildings, as well as the height of their ruins offers numerous trouble spots that is interesting to deal. Aparticular attention on the accuracy of DSM (Digital Surface Model) will be evaluated and reported thanks to the GCPs(ground control points) that have been easily measured since these aerial photogrammetry experiences by UAV are thelast of extensive previous metric surveys conducted in the recent past.

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