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Historiaren ertzetan metaturiko materialetatik ibilbide bat, ‘Denboraren tolesak’ erakusketa abiapuntu

  • Autores: Elena Mercedes Olave Duñabeitia
  • Localización: Ausart aldizkaria: arte ikerkuntzarako aldizkaria = journal for research in art = revista para la investigación en arte, ISSN 2340-8510, ISSN-e 2340-9134, Vol. 10, Nº. 2, 2022 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Arte garaikidearen lurraldeak (meta)kartografiatzen = (Meta)cartografiando los territorios del arte contemporáneo = (Meta)mapping the territories of contemporary art), págs. 189-196
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • A walk through the materials accumulated at the edges of history based on the exhibition ‘Denboraren tolesak’
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • English

      The past is a story, a representation, made from the present. In that sense, we can think of a map as a device to represent the past, but also to return to it taking a different route and read it from another perspective. Based on that definition, and taking Iván Gómez’s exhibition ‘Denboraren tolesak’ (2022) as a starting point, this article aims to address the importance of contemporary artistic practices in the reinterpretation of history and the reconfiguration of the present. In fact, this exhibition is a curatorial exercise that ends up functioning as a map, in which a cartography of different bodies is made based upon the existence of the Pheasant Island. Thus, this text talks about an attempt to tell history differently, a journey proposed withthe intention of recovering the materials, whispers and traces hin the wrinkles of time.

    • euskara

      Iragana orainalditik kontatzen den istorio bat da, orainalditik egindako errepresentazioa, alegia. Zentzu horretan, mapa iragana islatzen duen tresna izan daiteke, baina, baita iragan horretara beste bide batetik itzultzeko eta hura bestelako ikuspegi batetik irakurtzeko gailua ere. Definizio horretatik abiatuta, artikulu honetan, Iván Gómez artista irundarraren Denboraren tolesak (2022) erakusketan oinarrituta, praktika artistiko garaikideek historiaren berrinterpretazioan eta orainaldiaren berkonfigurazioan duten garrantziaz hausnartuko da. Izan ere, mostra hau mapa baten gisan funtzionatzen duen ariketa kuratoriala da, zeinetan, Faisaien uhartearen existentziatik abiatuta, gorputz ezberdinen kartografia bat osatzen den. Halaxe, historia beste modu batera kontatzeko saiakera bati buruz diharduen testua da hau, denboraren zimurretan gordetako material, murmurio eta arrasto ezberdinak berreskuratzeko xedez proposaturiko ibilbide bat.

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