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Resumen de Market orientation in service clusters and its effect on the marketing performance of SMEs

Marcelo Royo Vela, Juan Carlos Amézquita Salazar, Francisco Puig Blanco

  • Purpose – This paper aims to address research gaps with regard to the relationship between market orientation and marketing performance when small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are located within a service cluster. The three main objectives of this research are to determine the effect that the cluster can have on both the market orientation of clustered companies and their marketing performance and to furthermore evaluate the effect of the market orientation of companies in the cluster on their marketing performance.

    Design/methodology/approach – This research used executive-level data that were obtained by carrying out a survey involving a unique dataset of 133 Colombian health-related businesses located in the city of Cali (Colombia) in 2014. A system of equations was modeled using SMART PLS. This analysis was complemented by a qualitative study that involved conducting in-depth interviews in six companies.

    Findings – The results showed that, among the SMEs, membership in an urban services cluster did not significantly influence marketing performance or the implementation of marketing orientation practices. No differences were observed in internal managerial practices implemented between companies that were colocated and isolated. However, a higher level of competitor orientation was associated with greater marketing performance. Given the verified absence of moderating and mediating effects, our work provides a reasonable basis for proposing future research and practical recommendations.

    Originality/value – While research has demonstrated the relationship between a company’s market orientation and marketing performance, this type of analysis has not been carried out on service SMEs in geographic concentrations or clusters.

Fundación Dialnet

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