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Resumen de Statistical Preference as a Tool in Consensus Processes

Ignacio Montes Gutiérrez, Davide Martinetti, Susana Díaz Vázquez, Susana Montes Rodríguez

  • In a consensus process, the intensities of preference can be expressed by means of probability distributions instead of single values. In that case, it is necessary to compare, in a simple way, pairs of probability distributions. Since classical methods do not assure the possibility of comparing any pair of distributions, a modern method is considered in this paper. It is called statistical preference. One of its most remarkable advantages is that it allows to compare any pair of probability distributions.

    In this contribution we study in depth some properties of this method and the relationship between most usual stochastic dominance and statistical preference. We also consider some of the most important families of distributions and analyze statistical preference among probability distributions in the same family.

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