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Resumen de La protezione delle vittime di sfruttamento lavorativo: una pratica sovversiva di alcuni capisaldi della nostra cultura giuridico-politica

Emilio Santoro

  • The dichotomy forced/voluntary migrants affects the dichotomy regular/irregular migrants insofar as the victims of trafficking (forced migrants par excellence) are eligible for a protection permit under Article 18 of the Italian Immigration Law. Given that trafficked people are also exploited through debtbondage, and given the polymorphism of migration routes, a distinction between regular and irregular migrants based on the mode of entry seems illogical. The crisis of the dichotomy between regular and irregular migrants is deepened by the provision according to which the same residence permit should be granted to victims of labour exploitation. On the basis of Mauss's analysis of the gift, it is then argued that the "refugeeisation" of exploited labour makes it clear that the giftbondage emerges itself as a pivotal element of the system of exploitation and should therefore be considered as a justification for protection, and a reason for reviewing its content.

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