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Resumen de Caracterización de raciones preparto de ovino lechero manejado bajo distintos sistemas de producción: Resultados preliminares

C. Pineda Quiroa, Nerea Mandaluniz Astigarraga, A. Garcia Rodriguez, S. Marijuán, R. Ruiz

  • The dairy sheep sector in the Basque Country (BC) has been traditionally based on the use of breed Latxa through pasture based production systems linked to the exploitation of local feed resources. However, there has been a certain intensification of feeding practices during these last years, even with the introduction of higher productive foreign breeds managed through permanent indoors conditions. The study of the quality of the diets employed throughout the production cycle in different systems, in particular their nutritional value, digestibility, the kinetics of degradation and fermentation metabolic pathways, are critical to improve their efficiency and reduce the emissions associated with livestock. The objective of this study was to characterize the feed rations provided at the end of pregnancy in different dairy sheep production systems existing in the BC.

Fundación Dialnet

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