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Resumen de ¿Nos estamos olvidando de “algo”? Cenurosis aguda

F. Saura, Inés Rubira Aznar, Luis Miguel Ferrer Mayayo, M. Climent, José Antonio García de Jalón Ciércoles, M. Pons Serra, G. Chacón, María Angeles Ramo Gil

  • español

    Se reciben en el Servicio Clínico de Rumiantes (SCRUM) dos ovejas,procedentes de una misma explotación, con una sintomatología nerviosai n e s p e c í fi c a , q u e t r a s u n a d e t a l l a d a e x p l o r a c i ó n y e s t u d i o anatomopatológico del encéfalo, se observaron unos focos demeningoencefalitis fibrino-purulenta que se diagnosticaron como cenurosisaguda. Con éste caso clínico, queremos poner de manifiesto que una“enfermedad de siempre”, hoy casi olvidada, vuelve a estar presente ennuestros rebaños. De modo que deberíamos preguntarnos si “nos estamosolvidando de algo” y la respuesta es que debemos seguir luchando frente aesta enfermedad.

  • English

    Two sheep, from the same farm, were taken to the Ruminant Clinical Service(SCRUM). Both showed non-specific neurological symptoms, and after adetailed examination and an anatomopathological study of the brain werediagnosed with acute coenurosis. In the anatomopathological study of thebrain, outbreaks of fibrinopurulent meningoencephalitis could be observed.This case study shows that diseases that have “always been there” but havebeen forgotten during the past years are still present in our herds. In this way,we should be asking ourselves if we have not forgotten about something. Theanswer is that we should keep fighting against this disease.

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