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Resumen de Quality of life in countries and regions of europe, america, asia and oceania: subjective and objective indicators, 2000-2020

María del Carmen Guisán Seijas

  • We present a comparison of 7 indicators of Quality of Life in OECD countries with the World average and with several countries with more than 100 million population (India, China, Rusia, Brazil and other ones) for the period 2016-2019, founding a higher quality in OECD averages. Among OECD countries we make a comparison of 7 indicators of Quality of Life: the subjective indicator of Life Satisfaction, 3 objective indicators with positive impact (Disposal income per capita, Life Expectancy and Educational Level of Population) and 3 objective indicators with negative impact (Unemployment rate, Homicides rate and Pollution PM2.5). We analyze the regional distribution of 6 indicators in 372 OECD regions in year 2016. The Educational level of Population is, accordingly to the empirical evidence of international econometric models, one of the main factors explaining high levels of quality of life, both at national and regional level, due to its indirect effects on other objective indicators, contributing to increase positive factors and to diminish the negative ones. We include 2 Annexesa:

    Annex 1 with the number of Highest, Middle and Lowest ranking positions in Quality, among 33 OECD countries of America, Europe, Asia and Oceania, and Annex 2 with data of 372 regions comparing two evaluations of regional income per capita at Purchasing Power Parities.

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