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Resumen de La Heterogeneidad de la Pobreza como una Ventana para el Surgimiento de la Resiliencia

María Angélica Kotliarenco

  • español

    La resiliencia no es en sí una solución para el problema de la pobreza. Constituyó inicialmente solamente un asombro. Hoy constituye una esperanza, para quienes descubrieron que los datos empíricos les indicaban que a igual condición de pobreza se presentaba una distinta calidad de vivir.

    Sabemos bien que las estructuras socioeconómicas, las historias sociales pesan y condicionan fuertemente la vida de las personas. Pero hay más.

    El trabajo que aquí presentamos pretende entregar un granito de arena a esta maraña. Es un trabajo que nos llama a la acción, a la reflexión y a más investigación, pero basada en este caso, en datos obtenidos en este país y que responden a nuestra realidad.

  • English

    Resiliencc is not in itself a solution for poverty. lt has never pretended to be. lnitially it was conceived only as an astonishment. Nowadays, the hope of those working within that framework eonstitutes a trust. That hope is now based on empüical data, which is starting to indicate that under similar conditions of poverly, people show an amplc range of behaviours, that have been called resilient. That means different qualilies of life.

    By now it is widely accepted, that thc quality of people's lífe, is importantly conditioned by socio-economic structures, families and personal lives. All of these factors, weigh strongly on the Jife of every single human being. But they is still more than this...

    The piece of work we are presenting, does not pretend but to collaborate with a small grain of sand, to the entanglement that life tends to be.

    It is a piece of work, that compels us to preventive actions, to reflex over them as well on our research pieces, but overall based on our reality.

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