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Resumen de Semilla de colza para ovejas en ordeño: Efecto sobre la calidad de la leche

D. Delgado, Carmen Asensio Vegas, María José Tabernero de Paz Risueño, L.l. Rodríguez Alvarez, Raúl Bodas Rodríguez

  • Two groups of 100 milking ewes were used to study the effects of including 5% of rapeseed in their diet on milk chemical and fatty acid composition. One group received the Control diet (alfalfa hay and silage, straw, beet and sunflower pulp, grains, cottonseed and mineral supplement but without rapeseed) and the other received a diet where part of the cottonseed was replaced by crushed rapeseed (5% in the diet, group ''Colza''). After three weeks on their respective diets, individual milk yield was measured, and bulk tank samples were obtained to determine chemical composition. Bulk tank samples were also taken after five weeks receiving rapeseed for fatty acid analysis. Milk yield was not affected (P>0.10), albeit a decrease in protein and increase in fat and total solids contents were observed (P<0.001) in ''Colza'' milk. The effect on milk fat contents disappeared after five weeks on the corresponding diets, but protein contents remained lower in ''Colza'' than in ''Control'' group (P<0.05). Including 5% of rapeseed in the diet for milking ewes reduced saturated, poliunsaturated and n-6 fatty acids content while increasing monounsaturated and n-3 fatty acids (P<0.05).

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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