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Resumen de Modificación de la calidad de la carne de pollo de producción ecológica debida a la adición de moltura de ajo (Zooallium®).

I. Revilla, P. Martín, A. Miralles, J. Otal, Carlos Palacios Riocerezo, S. S. Álvarez, L. León, M.J. Cubero

  • The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation with ground garlic on breast meat quality in broilers. A total of 32 ''tricolors catalana'' were fed either a control diet (based on wheat and barley) or the control diet supplemented with 2% of ground garlic for 66 days. Dietary supplementation resulted in significantly lower moisture (p<0.01) and total fat content (p<0.001) together with a higher red (a*) (p=0.001¨) and yellow (b*) (p<0.05) meat color in chicken muscle compared with muscle from control diet. The inclusion of ground garlic led to decreased meat hardness (Warner Bratzler Shear Force), expressible juice and cooking losses although for this parameters the differences were not statistically significant perhaps due to the incomplete development of the animals at the moment of the slaughter. No effects were observed (p<0.05) for ash, pH, total polyphenol content or antioxidant activity. This results suggest that supplementing broiler chicken diets with garlic can produce darker meat but can enhance eating quality due to the lower fat content and the higher water holding capacity and lower hardness

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