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Resumen de Competencies for sustainability in Computer EngineeringDegrees in Spain: a contribution to EU Strategy for 2050

Anna Bajo Sanjuán, Juan Antonio Plasencia Soler, Ana Lucía Ortega Larrea

  • The competitiveness of the European economy is currently based on two strategicpillars: digitalisation and sustainability. The approval of the Green Deal has made it apriority for Europe to be CO2 neutral by 2050. At the same time, and in order not tofall even further behind in the digital transformation led by other global economies,the European Commission approved the European Digital Agenda 2021-2027, with theaim of encouraging investment in digital capacities and infrastructures for the oldcontinent.To achieve this dual purpose, business organizations need to undergo anunprecedented transformation process, which requires prepared professionals andleaders of all kinds. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt present academic curricula torespond to the new requirements of a digital and sustainable world.The aim of the present research is to identify whether professionals- to-be incomputing sciences are currently being educated to address and harness the challengesand opportunities of sustainability. The79 official Computing Degrees registered at the Ministry of Universities in Spain havebeen subjected to a cross-analysis with the Competencies for Sustainability highlightedby UNESCO. The results show that those competencies providing a systemic andstrategic view of complex situations have a scarce presence in the curricula of computerengineering studies, mainly centred in technical competencies. This research work mayhelp to identify where the education of future leaders needs to be updated in order toreach a more sustainable development in a competitive Europe

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