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Resumen de La satisfacción en el trabajo: un enfoque para su estudio

Isabel Pérez de Maldonado

  • español

    Este trabajo presenta la satisfacción en el trabajo con un enfoque que integra dos visiones. La primera, teórica-conceptual, plantea una visión ecológica de la vida organizacional, analizando la importancia de lograr en el personal la satisfacción en el trabajo, si se desea promover la eficacia en las organizaciones. La segunda, técnica-práctica, proporciona información psicométrica de la escala SALA, que mide la Satisfacción en el Trabajo, en cinco dimensiones: Intrínseca, Organización, Social, Supervisión y Sistema de Recompenses. Se destaca la utilidad de medir la satisfacción como una información que permite ampliar nuestra comprensión sobre algunos aspectos del comportamiento organizacional.SummaryThis paper analyzes job satisfaction on the basis of the integration of two visions: an ecological conception of the organizational life, on one hand an on the other the psychometric analysis of the SALA scale_ This instrument provides a measurement of the following five dimensions of job satisfaction: Intrinsic Satisfaction, Satisfaction with the organization, Social Satisfaction, Satisfaction with Supervision and Satisfaction with the Compensation System. It is outlined the usefulness of job satisfaction measurements as a means to allow us a better understanding of organizational behavior. Evidences of the good psychometric posibilities of SALA are also provided. 

  • English

    This paper analyzes job satisfaction on the basis of the integration of two visions: an ecological conception of the organizational life, on one hand an on the other the psychometric analysis of the SALA scale_ This instrument provides a measurement of the following five dimensions of job satisfaction: Intrinsic Satisfaction, Satisfaction with the organization, Social Satisfaction, Satisfaction with Supervision and Satisfaction with the Compensation System. It is outlined the usefulness of job satisfaction measurements as a means to allow us a better understanding of organizational behavior. Evidences of the good psychometric posibilities of SALA are also provided.

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