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Resumen de Validación psicométrica de un conjunto de instrumentos que miden percepciones en el trabajo como factores psicosociales

Maria Eugenia Londoño Londoño

  • español

    En el escrito se presentan los detalles del proceso de validación psicométrica de dos instrumentos diseñados para medir los fenómenos que surgen de la interacción de las personas con las realidades organizacionales y que pueden constituir factores psicosociales de riesgo o protectores, a saber la Escala de Percepciones del Trabajo y la Escala de Clima de Seguridad en el Trabajo. A pesar de mostrar una tendencia positiva, los ítems en general mostraron una capacidad de discriminación adecuada. En el análisis factorial se confirmaron algunos de los supuestos planteados en el marco conceptual pero también aparecieron categorías analíticas diferentes que no habían sido contempladas inicialmente. Las correlaciones ítems- test mostraron una clara relación entre el contenido de los ítems y las variables planteadas y las confiabilidades evidenciaron una consistencia satisfactoria en ambas pruebas. En general se observa un comportamiento adecuado en los dos instrumentos que se espera mejorar con algunos ajustes propuestos, lo cual facilitará la medida objetiva de estos fenómenos psicosociales en las organizaciones.AbstractThe article gives details of the process of psychometric validation of two instruments designed to measure phenomena that arise from the interaction of people with organizational realities that can constitute l risk or protective psychosocial factors, namely the scale of perceptions of Work and the Scale of Safety Climate. In spite of showing a positive trend, the items generally showed good discrimination capabilities. Factor analysis confirmed some of the assumptions made in the conceptual framework but also appeared different analytical categories that were not initially considered. The item-test correlations show a clear relationship between the content of the items and the variables also were found as well satisfactory indexes in both tests. In general there is an appropriate behavior in the two instruments are expected to improve with some proposed adjustments, which will facilitate the objective measurement of these psychological phenomena in organizations. 

  • English

    The article gives details of the process of psychometric validation of two instruments designed to measure phenomena that arise from the interaction of people with organizational realities that can constitute l risk or protective psychosocial factors, namely the scale of perceptions of Work and the Scale of Safety Climate. In spite of showing a positive trend, the items generally showed good discrimination capabilities. Factor analysis confirmed some of the assumptions made in the conceptual framework but also appeared different analytical categories that were not initially considered. The item-test correlations show a clear relationship between the content of the items and the variables also were found as well satisfactory indexes in both tests. In general there is an appropriate behavior in the two instruments are expected to improve with some proposed adjustments, which will facilitate the objective measurement of these psychological phenomena in organizations.

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