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Resumen de The scholarship of teaching and learning paves the wayfor educational improvement in kinesiology

Michael J. Lysaght

  • The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) big tent definition invites us to includeunexplored fields. The International Kinesiology College is a worldwide organisation of certifiedinstructors teaching a common curriculum in private colleges. This study examines the impact ofintroducing SoTL into academic development from 2015 to 2018.Our SoTL focus was to make teaching and student learning visible, open to peer review andavailable for others to build on. New initiatives were introduced – search conference (O’Brien 2001),research presentations, instructor hangouts and a professional development workshop. I used anautoethnography methodology (Ellis & Bochner 2000) and conducted a thematic analysis of thereflective journal which recorded my experience, thoughts and emotions. The instructors’ voice wasgathered by questionnaire and both perspectives were compared to the literature. SoTL 4M framework(Friberg 2016) was used to map projects by organisational level. The impact criteria were changes in thenumber, frequency and quality of conversations (Mårtensson 2017), changes in the level of awareness/understanding and changes in practice/policy (Hutchings 2000; Stoakes 2013).The findings show no engagement with the meso level search conference but increases in thenumber and frequency of meaningful conversations and changes to practice were reported at macrolevel. A comparison to the literature shows the difficulties of introducing SoTL improvements wereconsistent over time (Kelly 2000; McCarthy & Higgs 2005; Gibbs 2013; Noorma 2017; Brost 2017) andthe importance of working within a community (Cerbin 2000; Duffy 2000; McCarthy & Higgs 2005;Mårtensson & Roxå 2016a). The 4M map highlighted that impact varied by organisational level butanalysis relates this variance to the significance of the meso microcultures - dialogical (strong ordeveloping) versus non-dialogical (Mårtensson & Roxå 2016b; Kjær et al., 2017). SoTL is helping the IKCto grow by highlighting both a pathway to improvement and potential challenges.A limitation of this study is the impact identified refers mostly to teaching and the next phasewill explore impact on student learning. The important question that remains is how can we bring theunwilling voices of the non-dialogical meso microcultures into teaching and learning conversations?

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