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Resumen de Learning strategies, personalityand mindset among first-year biology students

Johanna Nylén, V.S. Norderval, Z. K. Erdal, M. Nepstad

  • Approaches to learning correlates with learning outcomes. Choice of learning strategy dependson a number of factors, including personality, mindset, and experiences from previous studies. In thepresent study, we have investigated variation in learning strategies, personality and mindset amongfirst-year biology students at the University of Bergen. We investigated the distribution of students onsurface, strategic and deep learning strategies, as well as the correlations between learning strategiesand personality traits (big five: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and opennessto experience) and mindset (fixed or malleable). The project started in the autumn 2018, and thedata were collected in January 2019. Here, we will present preliminary results for learning strategiesand mindset.

Fundación Dialnet

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