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Resumen de Flexible assessment: Its impact on sustainable learningand contribution to the future of higher education. International marketing classroom report

V. Zipper

  • According to experts, the ideal assessment practices are currently far from today’s reality. Flexibleassessment is discussed as a possible way not only to increase motivation, but to improve teachingand to boost learning outcomes of students. Further research, particularly based on case studies, isneeded to determine the relevance and importance of these aspects and to develop possible solutions.By following the mentioned calls, we offered flexible assessment 2 years in a row in the context of internationalmarketing course for graduate students, in order to explore and to gain insights into this topicby empowering students to individually choose the format of assessment. This research aims to explorewhether and how in particular flexible assessment can contribute to sustainable learning and suit differentstudent personalities and needs. Addressing these questions through the mixed-method design,with a pre-dominance of qualitative approach, this paper contributes to overcome the lack of knowledgeon new assessment forms and their meaning for the future of higher education in general. Accordingto results, flexible assessment is not yet very well known by students, but has been positively perceivedby the vast majority. Most students named the offered flexibility in formats empowering andenriching as well as recommended to continue offering this novel assessment approach in the future.This paper considers also the potential transferability of flexible assessment and its practical implementationin daily teaching practice, by paying additional attention to possible disadvantages and linkedrisks as well as lists sufficient implications for the upcoming research.

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