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Resumen de Percepción de las Prácticas de Gestión Humana y su influencia sobre las Dimensiones Sociales del Clima Organizacional en Empresas Colombianas del Sector Servicios

Lina Marcela Guevara Bedoya, Enid Granada Salazar

  • español

    Se exploró la influencia de las Prácticas de Gestión Humana (PGH) de alto rendimiento sobre las dimensiones sociales del Clima Organizációnál (CO), Trato Interpersonal y Apoyo del Jefe, en empresas colombianas del sector servicios. El estudio fue cuantitativo y se usaron regresiones estadísticas. La muestra se conformó por 503 casos pertenecientes a cinco empresas colombianas del sector servicios. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la Escala de Prácticas de Gestión Humana y la Encuesta de Clima Organizacional (ECO) versión reducida. Prácticas de gestión humana como la vinculación selectiva y la reducción de la brecha de estatus predicen mejor la variable social de Trato Interpersonal. La participación en toma de decisiones y la evaluación de desempeño predicen las percepciones de Apoyo del Jefe. Se concluye que las prácticas de gestión humana inciden de manera importante en el clima organizacional.Resumen alternativo:The influence of high performance human management practices on the social dimensions of the organizational climate, Interpersonal Treatment and Boss Support, in Colombian companies in the service sector was explored. The study was quantitative and statistical regressions were used. The sample consisted of 503 cases belonging to five Colombian companies in the services sector. The instruments used were the Scale of Human Management Practices and THE Organizational Climate Survey (OCS) reduced version. Results showed that human resources management such as selective linkage and reduction of the status gap predict better the social variable of Interpersonal Treatment. Participation in decision-making and performance evaluation predict the Boss Support perceptions. It is concluded that human management practices have a significant impact on the organizational climate..

  • English

    The influence of high performance human management practices on the social dimensions of the organizational climate, Interpersonal Treatment and Boss Support, in Colombian companies in the service sector was explored. The study was quantitative and statistical regressions were used. The sample consisted of 503 cases belonging to five Colombian companies in the services sector. The instruments used were the Scale of Human Management Practices and THE Organizational Climate Survey (OCS) reduced version. Results showed that human resources management such as selective linkage and reduction of the status gap predict better the social variable of Interpersonal Treatment. Participation in decision-making and performance evaluation predict the Boss Support perceptions. It is concluded that human management practices have a significant impact on the organizational climate..

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