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Resumen de Conductas y actitudes que determinan la duración del desempleo: influencia en desempleados mayores de 45 años de la Región de Murcia, España

Rafael Piqueras Gómez, Tomás Izquierdo Rus, Alberto Rodríguez Morejón

  • español

    Diferentes estudios destacan las dificultades de los adultos para obtener trabajo. En este se propuso conocer la influencia de variables cognitivas y conductuales observando el tiempo que tardan en conseguir trabajo 5771 personas mayores de 45 años en la Región de Murcia, España. Se utilizó el análisis de supervivencia para modelizar el tiempo hasta el empleo según tres escalas: una medida de las expectativas implicadas en el Optimismo Fundado de Búsqueda de Empleo (OFBE), una medida general del Sistema Facilitador de Inserción (SFI) y un Inventario de Conductas de Búsqueda de Empleo (ICBE). Se encontró que las personas optimistas (OFBE alto) pasan 12 meses menos en desempleo. Así mismo, puntuaciones altas en el SFI acortaron el desempleo 19 meses. La búsqueda activa de empleo (ICBE alto) mostró reducir el desempleo en 13 meses. También se observó mayor riesgo de desempleo prolongado para las mujeres y las personas con estudios superiores. La fortaleza de factores cognitivos y conductuales implicados en la búsqueda de empleo puede disminuir la permanencia en desempleo de los mayores de 45 años más de año y medio.Resumen alternativo:Different studies highlight the difficulties of adults to obtain work. The aim of this research was to know the influence of cognitive and behavioral variables observing the time it took to get a job to 5771 older than 45 years in the Region of Murcia -Spain. Survival analysis was used to model the time to employment according to three scales: a measure of the expectations implied in the Founded Optimism of Job Search (OFBE), a general measure of the Insertion Facilitator System (SFI) and an Inventory of Job Search Behaviors (ICBE). Optimistic people (high OFBE) spent 12 months less in unemployment. High scores in the SFI cut unemployment by 19 months. The active job search (ICBE high) reduced unemployment in 13 months. There was also a higher risk of prolonged unemployment for women and people with higher education. The strength of cognitive and behavioral factors involved in the search for employment can reduce the permanence in unemployment of those over 45 more than a year and a half.

  • English

    Different studies highlight the difficulties of adults to obtain work. The aim of this research was to know the influence of cognitive and behavioral variables observing the time it took to get a job to 5771 older than 45 years in the Region of Murcia -Spain. Survival analysis was used to model the time to employment according to three scales: a measure of the expectations implied in the Founded Optimism of Job Search (OFBE), a general measure of the Insertion Facilitator System (SFI) and an Inventory of Job Search Behaviors (ICBE). Optimistic people (high OFBE) spent 12 months less in unemployment. High scores in the SFI cut unemployment by 19 months. The active job search (ICBE high) reduced unemployment in 13 months. There was also a higher risk of prolonged unemployment for women and people with higher education. The strength of cognitive and behavioral factors involved in the search for employment can reduce the permanence in unemployment of those over 45 more than a year and a half.

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