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Calidad de Vida Laboral, Autoestima y Desempeño en el Trabajo de los Profesionales de la Administración Pública y Privada en el Perú

    1. [1] Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

      Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos


    2. [2] Universidad ESAN
  • Localización: Revista Interamericana de Psicología Ocupacional (RIPO), ISSN-e 2500-5669, ISSN 0120-3800, Vol. 39, Nº. 1, 2020, págs. 27-40
  • Idioma: español
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Quality of work life, self-esteem and job performance of public and private administration professionals in Perú
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • español

      La presente investigación tiene por objetivo establecer la relación entre calidad de vida laboral, la autoestima y el desempeño laboral en una muestra de 447 profesionales de diferentes especialidades que laboran en entidades públicas y privadas en el Perú. Cursaban estudios de postgrado (segunda especialidad, maestría y doctorado) en diversas universidades, se le aplicaron tres instmmentos debidamente confiables y válidos. Los resultados arrojaron un nivel de calidad de vida laboral, autoestima y desempeño altos en su mayoría disminuyendo dicho porcentaje a un nivel moderado, y a un mínimo porcentaje al nivel bajo. Por otro lado, se presenta una correlación significativa y positiva entre calidad de vida laboral autoestima y desempeño, permitiendo deducir que cuanto mayor es la calidad de vida laboral mejora el nivel de autoestima y a su vez mejora su desempeño laboral. El análisis de la calidad de vida laboral, la autoestima y el desempeño para determinar las diferencias al intervenir las variables socio demográficas, permitió hallar que sólo hay diferencias en la calidad de vida laboral cuando interviene la remuneración, el lugar de procedencia, la antigüedad en el puesto de trabajo y los años de servicio en la organización. Mientras que encontramos diferencias en la autoestima cuando intervienen solo los años de servicio en la organización. Frente al desempeño laboral ninguna de las variables socio demográficas tienen efecto, el comportamiento es homogéneo.Resumen alternativo:The objective of this research is to establish the relationship between quality of work life, self-esteem and job performance in a sample of 447 professionals of different specialties who work in public and private organizations in Perú and who were studying postgraduate studies (second specialty, master's and doctorate programs) in several universities, to whom three reliable and valid instruments were applied. The results showed a high level of quality of work life, self-esteem and high performance, decreasing this percentage to a moderate level and then to the low level. On the other hand, there is a significant and positive correlation between quality of work life, self-esteem and job performance, allowing to deduce that the higher the quality of working life, the level of self-esteem improves and as a consequence there is a job performance improvement. The analysis of the quality of working life, self-esteem and job performance to determine the differences when intervening the socio-demographic variables, allowed to find that there are only differences in the quality of working life when the remuneration intervenes, the place of origin, the job seniority and the years of service in the organization. While we find differences in self-esteem when only years of service in the organization intervene. When job performance is analyzed, none of the socio-demographic variables have an effect, the behavior is homogeneous.

    • English

      The objective of this research is to establish the relationship between quality of work life, self-esteem and job performance in a sample of 447 professionals of different specialties who work in public and private organizations in Perú and who were studying postgraduate studies (second specialty, master's and doctorate programs) in several universities, to whom three reliable and valid instruments were applied. The results showed a high level of quality of work life, self-esteem and high performance, decreasing this percentage to a moderate level and then to the low level. On the other hand, there is a significant and positive correlation between quality of work life, self-esteem and job performance, allowing to deduce that the higher the quality of working life, the level of self-esteem improves and as a consequence there is a job performance improvement.

      The analysis of the quality of working life, self-esteem and job performance to determine the differences when intervening the socio-demographic variables, allowed to find that there are only differences in the quality of working life when the remuneration intervenes, the place of origin, the job seniority and the years of service in the organization. While we find differences in self-esteem when only years of service in the organization intervene. When job performance is analyzed, none of the socio-demographic variables have an effect, the behavior is homogeneous.

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