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Resumen de Teaching innovation experience at the university: The implication of the student in the evaluation from different perspectives

Elena González Araujo, R. Vélez de Miguel

  • This paper comes from an interprofessional experience of teaching innovation. It is carried out during the first semester period of this 2019/2020 academic year with the students of the first grade of the Infant Education Degree and Social Education Degree. It was developed at the Cardenal Cisneros University Center, belonging to the University of Alcalá (Spain), and within the General Didactics subject shared by both grades. This culminates with a socio-educational project evaluated from different perspectives.The main objective is to involve students actively in the evaluation process, taking into account transversal and interprofessional skills that they will share in their professional future. This is framed within the proposal made by the European Higher Education Area that attaches importance to the involvement of students in the evaluation processes in a comprehensive manner. For this reason, there is a need for students actively participation in their own evaluation process and actively reflection on their own learning process. This implies understanding the evaluation from different perspectives, as indicated by Reynols and Trehan (2000).The perspectives used for the evaluation are developed from the three great perspectives, indicated by Fernández Sotelo & Vanga Arvelo (2015): self-knowledge, the participation of the agents involved and the performance development projection, generated as an improvement plan for future experiences both, students and teachers. Specifically, evaluation was carried out in three different modalities, such as the student's own self-evaluation, the coevaluation between the students and a hetero-evaluation where the students were evaluated by their own experience and by the teachers. Tools such as rubrics, surveys, group dynamics and meeting minutes were used to evaluate the three dimensions.This implementation has allowed, that the student has acquired a greater commitment to the content of the subject, with their own learning and with other professions colleagues. Likewise, the results of the evaluation questionnaires and the student satisfaction survey reflect that students have acquired interprofessional skills that professionally qualify them as future professionals. All these reasons have meant a significant learning process for students acquiring competencies and skills in an active, dynamic and participatory manner. These aspects will have a direct impact on student’s future professional life.

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