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Resumen de Límites y restricciones de la libertad de expresión en las redes sociales

María Sáez de Propios

  • Internet communication has great potential in interpersonal relations by expanding the possibilities for action and social relations, especially with social networks, whose typology facilitates and encourages contact between people, as well as the possibility of sharing all kinds of content that can be interacted with. But this potential has certain risks derived from the intrusive capacity of technology and its social consequences, and from the notion of privacy, which is transformed by the possibilities and dangers of an exposure that can be constant and which, moreover, leaves traces and traces that can be indelible. It is necessary to analyse how the classic limits to freedom of expression are transferred to a new digital environment in which the boundaries between public and private are blurred. These limits that will indicate when a certain expression of ideas or opinions on the web has gone beyond what is admissible must be substantially the same as those that frame the expression that takes place outside of social media.

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