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Resumen de Innovation in tutorship: Cooperation between experienced and beginners university professors

J. Moreno Fernández, J. Ochoa, Manuel Gómez Guzmán, Javier Díaz Castro

  • Tutoring is one of the functions that have traditionally been assigned to teachers and is a key issue in Higher Education. In the context of globalization and the rapid progress of information technologies, unavoidable questions have been raised regarding the approaches, models and methods of traditional mentoring. This modern conception emphasizes two fundamental factors: the commitment of the person in the construction of the life project through regular and systematic reflection and the necessary accompaniment by professionals in different modalities and contexts. In this sense, the modality of intervention with mentors (peer tutoring) is a way to improve the tutoring process for the student. The present work was designed to take advantage of the experience of experienced professors in the tutoring process and favor the development of certain key, basic and necessary aspects in the performance of the teaching work, especially at the beginning of the teaching career. The objectives of this study were to facilitate the integration of the novel structure into the university professor and to guide the novel professor on teaching strategies applied to the university environment, in addition to establishing the most appropriate mechanisms to solve these difficulties and problems. The assessment by experienced professors has been very positive. Planning and resources (time organization, establishment and monitoring of improvement objectives) has been one of the most deficient areas. In this case, the research obligations of beginner professors have led to a not totally adequate planning. The time of each session has been reasonable to resolve the issues raised in most cases. Another identified deficit area has been the bibliography used, which was sometimes poorly updated. Most of the beginning teachers have prepared and organized the tutoring sessions in advance, putting into practice communication skills, especially those of knowing how to listen, assertiveness and empathy. The final evaluations have been positive after the intervention of the experienced professors: most of the beginning professors affirm that the global evaluation of the tutoring sessions has improved thanks to the experience of the other professors. The cooperation in tutoring between experienced and beginners professors involve a continuous feedback process in which all the agents of the process, both individual (students, beginning tutors, experienced professors), as well as institutional (the University and the teaching center) are involved.

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