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Resumen de Quality of Life and Psychological Distress in CeliacDisease

Cristina Sfoggia, Gabriela Longarini, Florencia Costa, Horacio Vázquez, Eduardo Mauriño, Julio C. Bai

  • Both the quality of life and the psychological status of celiac disease patents have been exploredin recent research. This chapter aims to review the reported evidence on the psychologicalaspects of celiac disease and the patents' percepton of the disorder. Nevertheless, studies showcontroversial and contradictory results. When evaluated prior to diagnosis, patents with asymptomatc clinical presentaton had an evident decrease in their quality of life. The gluten-freediet improves such percepton. On the other hand, evidence on the quality of life in patents withsubclinical disease is not so clear. Depression is the most commonly referred and studied mentaldisorder. Depression has been reported to be more prevalent and severe in celiac patents thanin the general populaton. The interacton between physiological and environmental factors,seems to be responsible for the disturbance. Anxiety disorders have also been reported, but withless clear results. Currently, it seems accurate to consider them to be forms reactve to diagnosisor to be associated with difcultes in following the diet and its impact on social life. In thissense, the evidence seems to suggest that these could be considered as adjustment disorderswith an anxiety state. Regarding the efects of treatment on these symptoms, there is currentlyno agreement since improvements have been reported in some studies but not in others.Importantly, depression may afect the adherence to treatment, disease evoluton andpercepton of quality of life and, therefore, its presence ought to be investgated upon diagnosis.

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