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Resumen de Chinese dual-language bilingual education teachers’ pedagogical and languaging practices in American immersion schools

Wenying Zhou, Guofang Li

  • English

    Based on video recordings of five pre-k to grade 4 Chinese dual-language bilingual education (DLBE) teachers’ classroom instruction, this article examines the Chinese DLBE teachers’ target and first language use and pedagogical moves during their processes of learning to teach in immersion schools in the US. Conversational analyses of classroom interactions show that the teachers’ subscribed to target language (TL) only instruction with minimum translanguaging and that teacher-fronted talk in the TL dominated their teaching with low student language output. Although their attention to curriculum-related content varied depending on lesson focus and student TL proficiency, a significant amount of teacher languaging practices was for classroom management. The findings have important implications for Chinese DLBE teachers’ preparation and professional development.

  • 中文

    通过对五个中英文双语沉浸班教师(幼儿园到小学四年级)的课堂教学录像的研究, 本文着重分析了他们在教学中的中英文使用情况, 以及他们和学生之间的语言互动。分析显示, 这些老师的教学内容各异, 课堂教学都以目标语为主而进行, 跨语言实践极少且主要用于课堂管理。另外, 由于这些老师的教学主要以他们自己为中心, 所以学生的中文目标语的输出的机会较少。以上研究结果对中英文双语沉浸教师的师资培训和教师教育有重要的参考价值。

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