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Resumen de Análisis de las exigencias normativas de la masculinidad hegemónica en las propuestas artísticas actuales

Alfonso del Río Almagro, Mariano Manuel Pastrana de la Flor

  • español

    Este texto tiene como objetivo principal desarrollar un análisis crítico sobre cuáles son las exigencias normativas demandadas por el modelo de masculinidad hegemónico, para ser considerado “un hombre de verdad”, que se siguen señalando, abordando y reflexionando en las propuestas artísticas actuales, a pesar de los logros conseguidos en el cuestionamiento y en la crisis del ideal de la masculinidad tradicional a finales del siglo XX. Para ello, se han localizado y estudiado diversas obras provenientes tanto de proyectos expositivos como de la producción de numerosos artistas que han centrado en esta problemática su línea de investigación, contrastándolas con las aportaciones de expertos/as en esta temática. Un estudio que nos permitirá, por un lado, constatar la capacidad del arte para interferir en la representación de los atributos asignados y exigibles a la masculinidad normativa. Y, por otro, comprobar no sólo la pervivencia de dichos imperativos en la actualidad, sino su fortalecimiento en determinados ámbitos, como dan muestra las propuestas artísticas que estudiaremos.The main aim of this text is to develop a critical analysis about which normative requirements are demanded by what the hegemonic masculinity model considers "a real man". These requirements are still pointed analyzed and reflected on current artistic proposals, despite of the achievements on questioning the ideal of traditional masculinity and its crisis at the end of the twentieth century. Therefore, various exhibition and production projects from artists who have focused their research on this issue have been located and studied. Afterwards, these projects have been contrasted with expert contributions on this subject. This study will allow us to verify the capacity of art for interfering in the representation of attributes assigned and required from normative masculinity. Furthermore, it will help us to verify the survival of these impositions nowadays, but also their strengthening in certain areas, as it is shown in the artistic proposals that will be studied.

  • English

    The main aim of this text is to develop a critical analysis about which normative requirements are demanded by what the hegemonic masculinity model considers "a real man". These requirements are still pointed analyzed and reflected on current artistic proposals, despite of the achievements on questioning the ideal of traditional masculinity and its crisis at the end of the twentieth century. Therefore, various exhibition and production projects from artists who have focused their research on this issue havebeen located and studied. Afterwards, these projects have been contrasted with expert contributions on this subject. This study will allow us to verify the capacity of art for interfering in the representation of attributes assigned and required from normative masculinity. Furthermore, it will help us to verify the survival of these impositions nowadays, but also their strengthening in certain areas, as it is shown in the artistic proposals that will be studied.

Fundación Dialnet

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