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Resumen de Impactos del uso de agrotóxicos sobre la sostenibilidad de la salud ambiental

Maria Glória Dittrich, Heloisa Beatriz Machado, Cindy Jaschefsky

  • español

    La sustentabilidad ha interesado a investigadores en las áreas de derecho, salud, políticas públicas desde concepciones que demuestran la interrelación de estas áreas con la vida en su multidimensionalidad, como el cuidado del ser humano como ser biofísico, psíquico, espiritual, social, político y ambiental, y requiere una mirada sostenible a la salud ambiental. Se entiende por sostenibilidad el conjunto de procesos y acciones encaminados a mantener la vitalidad de la Madre Tierra, la preservación de sus ecosistemas en sus elementos físicos, químicos y ecológicos que posibilitan la existencia y producción de vida. Un tema sensible para la sostenibilidad es el uso de pesticidas, cuyos impactos interfieren con la salud humana y ambiental. El objetivo de este artículo fue identificar el impacto del uso de pesticidas para los seres humanos y el medio ambiente. La investigación utilizó la hermenéutica fenomenológica que representa una forma de comprender y expresar la percepción de lo observado por el investigador en su experiencia. En el análisis, la evidencia teórica apoyó las reflexiones / percepciones del investigador de 4 categorías: Impactos del uso insostenible del aire, agua, suelo, agricultura y pesticidas en la salud humana.

  • English

    Sustainability has interested researchers in the areas of law, health, public policy from conceptions that demonstrate the interface of these areas with life in its multidimensionality, as taking care of the human being as a biophysical, psychic, spiritual, social, political and environmental being requires a sustainable look at environmental health. Sustainability is understood as the set of processes and actions intended to maintain Mother Earth's vitality, the preservation of its ecosystems in their physical, chemical and ecological elements that enable the existence and production of life. A sensitive issue for sustainability is the use of pesticides, whose impacts interfere with environmental and human health. The aim of this article was to identify the impact of pesticide use on humans and the environment. The research used the phenomenological hermeneutics representing a way to understand and express the perception of what was observed by the researcher in his/her experience. In the analysis, theoretical evidence supported the researcher's reflections/perceptions from 4 categories: Impacts of unsustainable use of air, water, soil, agriculture and pesticides on human health. Formal documents and theoretical references supported the reflection and textual construction of this hermeneutics. It was identified that human activity generates contaminations that contaminate the soil, water and air, having very serious repercussions on human and environmental health, being associated with several chronic health problems, such as cancer, liver diseases, respiratory diseases, among others. It is concluded that a sustainable ecosystem is essential for the preservation of all forms of life and must be guaranteed through public policies committed to the sustainable management of these resources. A public policy that values sustainable economic, social and environmental development is needed, so that the future of current and future generations is not compromised.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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