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Resumen de The improvement of museum information flow based on paste functional mapping method

Haijie Li, Wenjun Ouyang, Mohamed Ben Alaya

  • As a subsidiary institution of collecting and preserving cultural relics, human cultural heritages and developing informationresources, museums are important places to display, disseminate and study excellent national cultures. With the develop-ment of the economy and the improvement of people’s living standards, people’s demand for spiritual culture is gettinghigher and higher, and museums are getting more and more attention from people. Thanks to the rapid development ofcomputer technology, more and more museums are focusing on informatisation. This article will use the information sys-tem’s functional mapping method based on the museum’s improvement and test analysis, which can make the museum’sbusiness unit with the use of the unified system platform, under a unified, homogeneous standard data for the orderlyorganisation of information resources sharing and efficient, rapid building of information resources of lateral connection,make the administrative, business interaction and interrelated information collection with Word Perfect data integration,and create a museum management platform more conducive to innovative thinking. The innovation system mechanism, toimprove the way of ZhanChen for the museum, to speed up the informatisation construction museum, make a museum ofplay to better spread knowledge, transfer civilisation, materialisation of education function and the important window dis-playing the world the outstanding civilisation achievement effect, and promote the development of cultural undertakings,where science has a very important realistic and far-reaching historical significance

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