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Resumen de Delay discounting in pigeons using a token reinforcement system

Ricardo S. Campos Rivera, Cristiano Valério Dos Santos

  • Delay discounting is the decrease of the value of a reward due to a delayin its receipt. "e results with human and non-human animals haveshown several similarities, but there have also been consistent differences.In order to further explore the sources of these differences, we useda token reinforcement system to evaluate delay discounting in pigeonswith a procedure more similar to the ones used with humans. Pigeonswere exposed to an adjusting amount task with tokens as rewards. InPhases 1 and 3, tokens were exchangeable immediately after its receiptin each trial, whereas in Phase 2, tokens were exchangeable after fourtrials. The results of Phases 1 and 3 showed a pa$ern of discountingsimilar to previous studies, whereas subjects showed a greater degreeof discount in Phase 2 in comparison to the other phases. We argue thegreater degree of discount might be due to the accumulation of tokensand the actual delay to the food.

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