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Resumen de Propuesta metodológica para la caracterización y tipificación de las costas españolas: Aplicación a las costas de Galicia

Augusto Pérez Alberti

  • There are several coastal classifications. Most of them have been elaborated worldwide using tectonic, climatic, topographic, or oceanographic criteria. Other classifications have been generated on a larger scale and focused on classifying the coastal forms, as cliffs, beaches, estuaries, lagoons, or dune complexes in different places.

    This project analyzes the types of coastlines, understanding as such each sector that presents certain topographic conditions marked by the elevation and slope, and that was modeled on a concrete type of rock in a specific climatic and marine environment. This paper describes a methodological approach for a detailed scale classification. This approach based on the delimitation of the different coastal systems, exemplified in cliffs and boulder beaches, sandy beaches, and dunes. In this case the shore platforms, marshes and lagoons have not been considered for the technical problems derived from the LiDAR data source, from which the 2 m spatial resolution digital terrain models (DTM) are derived.

    The first step in the classification was a manual delimitation combining DTMs and orthophotographs. Subsequently, other typification has been carried out through the automatic creation of Coastal Topographic Units (CTU). This index is the combination of two variables: coastal elevation and slope. The possible integration of others, such as orientation or lithology, is possible, but generate a very high number of units and make it difficult to interpret. For this reason, this study did not consider more variables.

    In this project 30 CTUs was generated, and then selecting only those that appear in the cliffs, boulder beaches, sandy beaches, and coastal dunes sectors. The possibility of viewing one or several CTUs in any sector of the coast allows to know more accurately the conditions of each sector and these categories could be improve the coastal management plans.

Fundación Dialnet

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