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Resumen de Phytoremediation of soils contaminated with crude and weathered oil using two rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.)

Gilberto Morales Guzmán, María del C. Rivera Cruz, Ronald Ferrera Cerrato, Joel Zavala Cruz, Rodimiro Ramos Reyes

  • ABSTR ACT Objective: To evaluate the potential for soil phytoremediation with new and weathered hydrocarbons with two rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.).

    Materials and Methods: The assessed treatments were 150 mg kg1 (control soil), 30,000; 60,000 and 90,000 mg kg1 of new oil and 79,457 mg kg1 of weathered oil 1 and 42,000 of mg kg1 of weathered oil 2; they were established in a completely randomized design with 63 factorial, with four repetitions each. The evaluated variables were populations of total bacteria (colony forming units CFU per grams of dry soil), free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria (CFU), total fungi (CFU), and total dry biomass (g). Total bacteria and fungi were quantified at the beginning of the experiment at 90 and 145 days.

    Results: The highest total petroleum hydrocarbons (HTP) degradation was 73 and 72% in the 79,457 and 42,000 mg kg1 concentrations of weathered HTP 1 and 2, in the rhizosphere of rice silver line 21. The total dry biomass reported significant differences (p0.05), evidencing a lower effect in the 60,000 mg kg1concentration in new oil, which caused a 33% reduction compared to the control.

    Results/Conclusions: The rice variety line 21 has a greater potential to phytoremediate soils contaminated with crude and weathered oil in field conditions in tropical areas.

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