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Resumen de Research Traditions in Dialogue Communication Studies in Latin America and Europe

Mónica Rodrigues

  • Research Traditions in Dialogue - Communication Studies in Latin America and Europe is the outcome of the IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research) conference where the researchers from the ALAIC (Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Comunicación)1 and ECREA (European Communication Research and Research) meet annually. Having as conductive axis functionalism, critical theory, cultural studies, alternativism, post-colonialism and feminism, the chapters sought to include a historical standpoint, a detailed analysis, and theoretical and methodological proposals on future perspectives, highlighting that not all themes developed in the same way nor at same pace on both sides of the Atlantic. “Functionalist traditions have had a greater development on North America, critiques in Europe and post-colonials in Asia, and, in the meanwhile, alternative currents are strong in Latin America, and the culturalists find roots in Europe and Latin America”. However, these currents were present everywhere.

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