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Resumen de Analysis of diesel engine oils from 2.5L engine pick-up trucks by means of X-ray fluorescence

Carlos Andres Palacio Gómez, Kelly Gisell Medina Rojas, Yaneth Pineda Triana

  • español

    El aceite motor es uno de los elementos clave para proteger e incrementar la vida de las partes del motor que están siendo lubricadas. Sin embargo, este se contamina por partículas externas, bien sea por filtración o durante la combustión, deteriorando algunas de esas partes lubricadas del motor. En ese sentido, la alta contaminación en aceites y la detección tardía de las partes deterioradas generan retrasos y reparaciones costosas en los talleres de mantenimiento. Este trabajo presenta un análisis en aceites usados, extra\'idos de motores calientes y fríos de camionetas de motor 2.5 litros para determinar los elementos presentes y establecer las partes del motor que se deterioran m\'as fácilmente. Esto se hace por medio de los métodos “sin-estándares” y “calibrados” de la técnica de fluorescencia de rayos X (FRX).

  • English

    Engine oil is one of the key elements to protect and to increase the life of the lubricated engine parts. However, it gets contaminated by external particles either in filtration or during combustion, which produces deterioration in some of the engine parts which are being lubricated. In that sense, delays and very expensive repairs are generated at the maintenance workshops due to the high contamination in oils and to the late detection of the deteriorated parts. This work presents an analysis of used oils, extracted from hot and cold engines of 2.5-liter engine pick-up trucks, by using the two methods of the X-ray fluorescence technique (XRF): standard-less and calibrated, in order to determine the elements present and to establish the engine parts that wear out more easily and thus, to help with predictive maintenance of the trucks. The results are also useful for comparison purposes and to evaluate the effectiveness of the XRF technique in analyzing these types of samples.

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