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Resumen de Enmienda democrática de la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos. Una propuesta de participación de la ciudadanía

Armando Salas Cruz

  • español

    La Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos contempla el procedimiento para ser reformada. Más allá del intento fallido de 1993, el instrumento fundamental de la región en materia de derechos humanos nunca ha sido enmendado desde su entrada en vigor hace más de cuarenta años (1978). Este escenario, con sus posibles razones y consecuencias, es el que se esboza en el presente trabajo, con el propósito de replantear la interpretación del art. 76 convencional y sugerir la necesidad de la participación ciudadana en la construcción de las futuras enmiendas. La perspectiva adoptada se centra en la forma de la enmienda, de su legitimidad democrática, desde una postura que entiende que la base de la evolución general del sistema interamericano, y evolución específica del mecanismo de protección, es la reforma del texto convencional. La reforma reglamentaria, utilizada hasta ahora como técnica de cambio, es complementaria e insuficiente por sí sola.

  • English

    The American Convention on Human Rights contemplates the procedure to be amended. Beyond the failed attempt of 1993, the basic instrument of the region on human rights has never been amended since it came into force more than forty years ago (1978). That scenario, with its possible reasons and consequences, is outlined in the present work, with the purpose of rethinking the interpretation of conventional art. 76 and suggest the need for citizen participation in the construction of future amendments. The perspective adopted focuses on the form of the amendment, its democratic legitimacy, from a position that understands that the foundation of the general evolution of the Inter-American system and of the specific protection mechanism is the reform of the conventional text. The reform of rules of procedure used so far, as a technique for change, is complementary and insufficient by itself.

    Summary:I. INTRODUCTION: THE UNTOUCHED AMERICAN CONVENTION. II. THE PROCEDURES FOR CHANGING THE AMERICAN CONVENTION. 1. Power to include other rights and freedoms. 2. Amendment procedure. 2.1. Extensive purpose. 2.2. Entitled subjects. 2.3. Entry into force. 2.4. The failed amendment project of 1993 and difficulties that arose in the procedure. 3. Additional Protocol. 3.1. Limited purpose. 3.2. Entitled subjects. 3.3. Entry into force. 3.4. The impulse of 1969. 3.5. The 1988 Protocol: economic, social and cultural rights. 3.6. The 1990 Protocol: abolition of the death penalty. 4. Finally, an international instrument open to change. III. IN FRONT OF THE MIRROR: THE EUROPEAN CONVENTION EVOLVED. IV. ADJUSTMENTS AT THE SECOND LEVEL: INSUFFICIENCY OF THE RULES OF PROCEDURE REFORM. V. AMENDMENT AND POPULAR PARTICIPATION. 1. Some cases of participation at the international level. 2. Possibilities of participation in the amendment of the American Convention. VI. CONCLUSIONS.

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