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Resumen de Podzolization-an additional paradigm

Peter Buurman, A. G. Jongmans

  • Present models of podsolization emphasize the mobilization and precipitation of dissolved organic matter, together with Al(-silicates) and Fe. Such models cannot explain the dominance of pellet-like organic matter in most zonal podzols, and the discrepancy between the chemistry of percolating organic matter (DOC) and the organic matter accumulated in podzol-B horizons.

    The present paper offers an explanation in which dynamics of the rooting system of the vegetation, and the decay of its litter is combined with leaching by organic acids. Such a model can explain the dominance of root-derived organic matter podzol-B horizons. It is suggested that organic matter derived from roots is dominant in zonal podzols while illuvial organic matter may dominate in (nutrient-poor of hydromorphic) intrazonal podzols.

Fundación Dialnet

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