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Resumen de Perpaus erlatiboen balio semantikoa euskal gramatika-azterlanetan

Koldo Biguri Otxoa de Eribe

  • English

    This article analyzes the descriptions made in the Basque grammatical studies on the semantic value of the relative clauses (RC). In these studies, more attention has been paid to the mechanisms and rules of the relative, with special attention to the cases that may be easier relativized, than to the semantic classification between restrictive and nonrestrictive RC. Some studies consider that restrictive and nonrestrictive RC are also syntactically and formally differentiated, but others ar- gue that there are no syntactic differences between them, so that the semantic value of RC can only be differentiated according to the nature of nouns modified by the relative.

    This paper describes these studies and, based on examples of classical authors and others drawn from the comparison of the original modern Basque literature works with their translations into Spanish. Con- sequently, some of these descriptions are partial: they exclude the different types of appositive RC, by not taking into account the diachronic evolution of relativation and the influence of early 20th century purism, which had a great impact on Basque letters in the 20th century and on the literature of the 21st century.

  • euskara

    Euskal gramatika-lanetan perpaus erlatiboen (PE) balio semantikoaz egindako deskribapenak aztertzen ditu artikuluak. Horietan, PE esplikatibo eta espezifikatiboen arteko banaketa semantikoari baino arreta gehiago eskaini zaie erlatibo arruntaren mekanismoei, bereziki aztertu delarik zein diren errazago erlatiba daitezkeen kasuak. Aldiz, arreta txikiagoa eskaini zaio banaketa semantikoari, eta gainera bibliografian desadostasun handiak daude puntu horretan: batzuek esplikatibo eta espezifikatiboak sintaktikoki eta formalki ere bereizten direla uste duten arren, beste batzuek diote haien artean alde sintaktikorik ez dagoela, eta, beraz, erlatiboaren izenaren arabera soilik bereiz daitekeela PEen balio semantikoa. Artikuluan, deskribapen horiek azaldu eta, idazle klasiko batzuen adibideetan eta zenbait idazleren jatorrizkoak itzulpenekin erkatuz ateratako adibideetan oinarrituta, ondorioztatzen dugu azalpen horietako batzuk partzialak direla, bazterrean uzten dituztelako PE apositibo mota desberdinak eta ez dutelako kontuan hartzen erlatibakuntzak izan duen bilakaera diakronikoa eta, batez ere, XX. mende hasieratik aurrerako garbizaletasunaren eragina.

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