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Resumen de Enterprise Input-Output Table for a Hotel

Casiano Manrique de Lara Peñate, María del C. Langa Seva

  • The purpose of this study is to prepare an enterprise input-output economic accounting framework for a hotel together with a demand model associated with it. This paper aims to show how input-output methodology can be applied at the business level in the tourism sector.

    This study is based on input-output tables and models. We have adapted the input-output framework to the characteristics and needs of a hotel in order to build an enterprise input-output table. This table is then used to apply the input-output demand model to changes in the hotel demand structure.

    Financial accounting systems are not especially enabled to link the demand and supply behaviour of the firm, but they can be used to build enterprise input-output tables and models that are perfectly suited for this aim. With this framework, economic impact analysis at the enterprise level can be undertaken in the tourism sector.

    This type of framework helps to prepare impact models at the enterprise level either isolated or integrated in revenue management, environmental, life cycle analysis (LCA), micro-simulation, partial or general equilibrium models. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time such an effort has been undertaken in the hospitality sector

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