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Resumen de Inestabilidad de la cintura escapular secundario a fractura de acromion asociada a luxación acromioclavicular. A propósito de un caso. Hospital Luis Vernaza

Tumbaco Tumbaco Tatiana, Wilson Martinez Vizuete, Tumbaco Tumbaco Angélica María, Felipe Jiménez Pinto, Dennis Ramirez Pulua

  • Introduction The superior suspensory complex (SSSC) described by Goss, is a ring composed of the glenoid, the coracoid process, the coracoclavicular ligaments, the distal clavicle, the acromioclavicular joint and the acromial process. A double disruption of the upper suspensory complex of the shoulder produces an instability between the complex of the scapular waist and the axial skeleton, called "floating shoulder". Objective. It establishes the importance of the study of cases concerning the instability of the shoulder girdle Materials and methods Here is shown the case of a patient with double disruption of the SSSC, Results for displaced fracture of acromion associated with acromioclavicular dislocation, treated surgically with satisfactory results. Discussion Although surgical indications have been reported, the fixation techniques of these fractures is limited. Conclusions We present this case that is not frequent in our professional practice.

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