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Resumen de Un intellettuale mazziniano nel Paese dell’ataman dei banditi: il 'Grand Tour' d’Italia di Nikolaj (Mykola) Ivanovič Kostomarov all’indomani dell’Unità

Andrea Franco

  • The article deals with the second Grand Tour in Western Europe, carried out by the Ukrainian intellectual Kostomarov, between spring and summer of 1861.

    In his discourse, the needs that led the historian to undertake this journey emerge, which some highlights about the transformations that were shaping the infrastructures of the Europe of that time. Travelers were turning into tourists, and carriages were giving way to the train, for example.

    Kostomarov proceeds in a series of observations on the nature and architecture of the cities visited. Above all, the historian, molded in Mazzinian thought, is interested in dealing with the subjects of the newborn Kingdom of Italy. It amazed him to come across very cold people towards unification of the country, alongside others, enthusiastic.

    More generally, the analysis of this travel experience reveals a series of political evaluations elaborated by the historian, who looked with great curiosity at the social reality he met. This also allows its readers to understand some interesting aspects of Europe at that time .

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