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Resumen de O geral e o regional na História da Geografia

Nilson Cortez Crocia de Barros

  • español

    The paper examines how the regional and systematic dimensions of Geography both played their role in the construction of the geographical thought. It analyses how this ontological experience projected itself through modern geography. To approach the subject the article employs contextual and epistemological historio- graphical points of view. The duality of styles of thought represented by the words physis (Gr.) and chora (Gr.) is here understood as one expression of the varieties of methodological possibilities displayed by Geography as a discipline and recognized as part of the core of the geographical tradition.

  • English

     The paper examines how the regional and systematic dimensions of Geography both played their role in the construction of the geographical thought. It analyses how this ontological experience projected itself through modern geography. To approach the subject the article employs contextual and epistemological historio- graphical points of view. The duality of styles of thought represented by the words physis (Gr.) and chora (Gr.) is here understood as one expression of the varieties of methodological possibilities displayed by Geography as a discipline and recognized as part of the core of the geographical tradition.

  • português

    O trabalho aborda a natureza das dimensões regional e geral na formação da Geo- grafia e a manifestação disto nas faces modernas da disciplina. Metodologicamente, o artigo emprega combinadamente as abordagens historiográficas contextual e epis- temológica. A dualidade physis (Gr.) (geral) e chora (Gr.) (corografia) é entendida como expressão das possibilidades metodológicas encontradas na disciplina e reco- nhecida como parte positiva da tradição geográfica. 

Fundación Dialnet

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