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Resumen de Georeferencing educational quality in Cali, Colombia in 2018, with a focus on academic agglomeration and segregation.

David Arango Londoño, Valentina Farkas Sanchez, Maribel Castillo Caicedo, Geovanny Castro Aristizábal

  • español

    Este artículo confirma la existencia de aglomeración en la calidad educativa en Cali (índice de Moran = 0,311): la alta calidad se concentra en los colegios del sur de Cali (comuna 22), mientras la baja está ubicada al oriente de la ciudad (comunas 13, 14 y 15). Como factores determinantes, se establece lo que la literatura en general concluye, además, y como aporte principal, se determinó que la criminalidad afecta de forma negativa la calidad educativa en Cali, esto es, cuando aumenta en un punto porcentual la cantidad de homicidios alrededor del colegio, la calidad educativa disminuye, en promedio, en 0,63 puntos.

  • English

    Our findings confirm the existence of educational quality agglomeration in Cali (Moran’s Index = 0.311). High educational quality is concentrated in schools in the south of the city (commune 22), while low educational quality is found in schools located in the east (communes 13, 14 and 15). Our study also confirms the importance of the determinants for school performance identified in the previous literature. The main contribution of this study is the finding that crime negatively affects educational quality. When the number of homicides in the neighbourhood in which a school is located increases by one percentage point, the quality of education decreases, on average, by 0.63 points.

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